This is the code of conduct for The Multiverse School. This will define group norms, and what is and isn’t unacceptable.
You might be neurodivergent, so here's some guidelines to help. We’re here to pretend we’re at work, so keep all behavior Safe For Work, which means:
No bong rips on camera. No visible substance use, except caffeine. No judgment, just turn your camera off if you need to ingest a substance. No rules late at night but mind where everyone else is (it's literally 5 o'clock somewhere)
Pants. For the love of humanity, pants.
No Cops. If you act like a cop, we'll kick you out.
Do not continuously flirt with people here, this is not a mixer. It is sometimes a fun internet community but we want people to feel safe in the space and not like they have someone around they have to avoid.
Turn off your camera if you’re going to walk away from the desk so we can pretend you’re here.
Behave Ethically, don’t lie, cheat, steal, advocate violence, or harm
Don’t make disparaging comments about racial, gender, economic status, LGBTQIA status, or other inalienable things. You can talk about cultural experiences, but not in order to paint any one culture in a negative light.
No Gender Griefing
Listen, it's not the gender you're angry at. It's individuals who've made personal choices. There are people who are not like the person you're angry at, and they're in the room with you, and you're hurting them. Stop it. Don't do it. I will remove you from classes if you keep doing it to protect the other students. You're all on even footing and I care about all of you. I get it that sometimes you've felt disempowered and the people who disempowered you are of a particular gender- but people of all genders feel that feeling. It's sexism when you do this- and it's not good for anyone. Don't externalize- be angry at the person you're angry at, not the group. Otherwise, you're not managing your anger.
Don't Monologue & take up the entire group session.
Don't deny other people’s art is art. If you don’t think it’s art, shut up and move on with your life, there are so many other things to do with your energy.
Don't Denigrate other people’s efforts or work. Unless you’ve gotten your research past peer review on the topic please keep your invalidating opinions to yourself, I am not interested in hearing them in my classroom. Your “lots of time thinking about this” is anecdotal, and not statistically significant.
Don't Ragebait with topics that are meant to inflame arguments. We’re Very Woke and Proud Of It, and we're a somewhat anarchist learning community, not a freshman debate class. Start a flame war on the internet, others interested in that game will happily oblige you, they’ve opted-in. Creating enemies in this space is a staggeringly profound tactical error. Most people in this space do not enjoy arguing for fun- you are allowed to find a space for that, somewhere else, outside of scheduled sessions that other people have paid to be in.
Don't engage in coercive emotional regulation. Ask yourself- did the person I am engaging with opt in to helping me regulate this emotion I’m having, or am I coercing them to regulate my feelings?
Don't Advocate Genocide, I can't believe I had to add this bullet point
Don't Yell
Don't take screenshots of or exfiltrate data from the matrix server, respect people's expectations of privacy and follow good operational security procedures. The matrix server is a "chattam house rules" environment. "When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed."
Don't talk over me, it’s my server yo.
Unacceptable behavior will get you banished.
Hate speech will get you immediately banned, and maybe doxxed, we punch nazis here. Give us a reason.
Hate speech on social media under your personal or professional brand will cause you to be expelled from The Multiverse School. We don't want to be associated with it and we will take action.
Folks are neurodivergent here. You might see some Weirdness, but certain levels of Strange are for After Hours (10pm Pacific), in areas where people have Specifically Opted In. Don't test the waters at other times.
These areas of Weirdness include:
Your fursona
Fetish stuff
Drugs, Psychedelics
Hucksters Hawking their Wares
Being Even Partially Naked For Any Reason
Obvious Flirting
Lurker Behavior (hanging out in a room with others for hours with your mic and camera off, creating the feeling of being listened to)
Reports of Weirdness will get you talked to about it, Because Personal Development and A [[Growth Mindset]] are key here. If you respond well it's fine, we do coach neurodivergent people here.
It’s always ok to:
Body double quietly
Share cool stuff with the group
Chat in the Chat off-topic
Talk about your feelings (by naming them without a story attached)
Create a boundary
Express a need
Promote your work
Get excited about something you’re passionate about
Stay quiet about things that literally do not affect you in any way
By attending classes and joining the server you agree to abide by the code of conduct. Failure to comply will have you removed from the space, without refunds or reimbursement.
So far I have expelled 6 people who paid a monthly fee to attend due to code of conduct violations. No amount of money you can pay me is worth the damage to my community, so I am happy to upset you by expelling you and not give you a refund. The psychological safety of a classroom is sacred and I am quite capable and willing to protect it.
Enforcement of the code of conduct will create a psychologically unsafe space for those transgressing the code of conduct, this is by design. It is not a safe action to create a psychologically unsafe space, and you should feel unsafe doing so.
Once, a person decided to test how strongly of a boundary I can set by attempting to remotely compromise my systems, so I reached out to some former students who now work for a three-letter agency about it. If you would like to be on a more actively-monitored list by one of these agencies, I can arrange this. That's how seriously I take the safety and security of my community- I'll even work with the government.