Multiverse School Newsletter - 7/7
🚀 7/7/2024 Multiverse School Weekly Newsletter 🚀 Hey Multiverse Crew,
We're back in action and I'm.... alive! For sure. 🧟 Things Seem To Be Bad and like they aren't going to get better but we must press on, for what else is there to do, lay down and die? Do not go gentle into that good night, rage, rage against the dying of the light.
I'll just begin fomenting revolution now, just in case.
We will be doing a demo day if enough folks have something to demo. Please fill out this form.
Otherwise I'm mostly still doing personal introductions based on whether or not you've shipped something I can use to represent your skills.
Don't forget:
Families in Rafah need our help.
We got two families out, and 3 are trapped in Rafah. No updates so far.
Prompt Engineering starts July 15th
This is for folks who are either already programmers, or have attended Using Large Language Models and feel comfortable asking ChatGPT or another language model to write code for them. We also have a fair number of programmers who are happy to help you get through the bugs- that's what we do, we fix bugs.
Multiverse Students Looking for Work
Everyone here has learned the cutting-edge Gen AI stuff we teach here, but now they're looking for work! Not everyone here has a network and could use your help! Please do me a favor and help these folks out with some introductions! You can hire them away BUT you are depriving me of their brain so it better be for a lot of moolah.
Here they are again in a different order! Order implies nothing, so I'm trying to mix it up every week. They're all fantastic, their main skill overlap is Generative AI.
- Mea Isaacs : Novel Scale Senior Developer with Robotics and CyberSecurity looking for new opportunities changing what is possible with technology.
- Roan : Looking for CyberSecurity Red Team (pen testing) work, Gen AI work, working with me on The Swarm of Hacking AIs, has Python and CyberSecurity in spades, and TAs at The Multiverse School
- Razi Alawamleh : Looking for Front-End (React & React Native) and Back-End work, Gen AI, Prompt Engineering, and does a great job with Product thinking.
- Cameron Sweeney : Looking for Back-End (Python, Math and Stats), Data, Gen AI, Prompt Engineering
- Kellyn von Arx : Looking for UX, UI, and Product design, Gen AI. Has some Python & Git experience, some Prompt Engineering experience
- Liss McCabe : Senior developer, looking for full-stack work in Ruby, Python, React, Gen AI, Prompt Engineering
- Gene Hwang : Jr. Dev and Researcher looking for Data and Backend roles. Gene is our most prolific TA who is absolutely instrumental to me in keeping eyes out for new Gen AI research.
This Week's Classes
Job Search Standup
Is back on, see you at 9, ya punks
This Week's Classes
Monday, July 08
10:00 AM Monday Scrum
A 15-minute time-boxed event for the Development Team to synchronize activities and create a plan for the next 24 hours. Discuss what was accomplished yesterday, what will be attempted today, and any obstacles that may impact your progress. Sign Up
11:00 AM Multiverse Travelers Program
Let's work on Autonomous Agents
Tuesday, July 09
10:00 AM Tuesday Scrum -
A 15-minute time-boxed event for the Development Team to synchronize activities and create a plan for the next 24 hours. Discuss what was accomplished yesterday, what will be attempted today, and any obstacles that may impact your progress. Sign Up
11:00 AM Multiverse Travelers Program
Let's work on Autonomous Agents Attendance is Multiverse Traveler Program Only
05:00 PM Creating OpenAI Assistants
Explore the basics of creating OpenAI Assistants and managing swarms. This session focuses on practical applications and hands-on development. Sign Up
7:00 PM (Multiverse West On-Site) Grey Area
Sorry this is not a multiverse-run event so we can't offer streaming of this, we're just hanging out here in person.
Wednesday, July 10
10:00 AM Wednesday Scrum
It is Weird Wednesday, wear your weirdest outfit to scrum! Sign Up
11:00 AM CyberSecurity
Hacking the planet Attendance is Multiverse Traveler Program Only
5:00 PM (Multiverse West On-Site) Cloudflare
Rooftop Hack Night @ Cloudflare
Sorry this is not a multiverse-run event so we can't offer streaming of this, we're just hanging out here in person.
06:00 PM Storytelling & Narrative Alignment with Francina Simone
Storytelling, Narrative, and Character development with Francina, who helps debug your creativity and your personal narrative, and work on your stories. Attendance is Multiverse Traveler Program Only
Thursday, July 11
10:00 AM Thursday Scrum
A 15-minute time-boxed event for the Development Team to synchronize activities and create a plan for the next 24 hours. Discuss what was accomplished yesterday, what will be attempted today, and any obstacles that may impact your progress. Sign Up
10:00 AM Sprint Review and Retrospective
Review the work completed and adapt the backlog if needed. Discuss what went well and what could be improved. Sign Up
11:00 AM Multiverse Travelers Program
Let's work on Autonomous Agents Attendance is Multiverse Traveler Program Only
05:00 PM Allowing OpenAI Assistants to Use Tools
Dive into adding OAI-Formatted functions to OpenAI Assistants and managing tool use. This session emphasizes advanced integration techniques and practical strategies. Sign Up
Friday, July 12
12:00 PM Storytelling Hour
About actually telling your stories, and getting to have other people hear them. Technology has a strong oral tradition, most people learn a lot from the stories of others, so we like to share what we can about life, tech, and our own journey. Francina will choose on Wednesday who will speak on Friday, so be there if you want to tell a story! Attendance is Multiverse Traveler Program Only
Saturday, July 13
10:00 AM - 9:00 PM (Multiverse West On-Site) Society of Agents Hackathon
This is not a multiverse-run event, we just intend to swarm this as a team and CRUSH THEM, join us if you're in the area, and if you want to remote in and help swarm, let us know, we can go multi-agent on this thing.
Complex Adaptive Systems & Game Theory
We're filming next week! Read this so we can beat the hackathon :D
The reading for this month is: Complex Adaptive Systems: Part 3: Computational Modeling, Chapter 6: Agent Based Objects
Part 4: Models of Complex Adaptive Social Systems: Chapter 7: A Basic Framework, Chapter 8: Complex Adaptive Social Systems in One Dimension
Upcoming Tracks and Classes
Prompt Engineering
Agent Engineering - OpenAI Toolchain Tuesday and Thursday, July 09 & 11 @ 5:00 PM
Prompt Engineering - Summer Cohort
Prompt Engineering starts Mondays and Wednesdays, July 15 @ 2:00 PM Pacific
This is for folks who are either already programmers, or have attended Using Large Language Models and feel comfortable asking ChatGPT or another language model to write code for them. We also have a fair number of programmers who are happy to help you get through the bugs- that's what we do, we fix bugs.
Important Links
- We have the old CTF up still, next cohort up soon
- Sign Up Here
- Tell Us If You Got A Job!
- The Hot New Website
Cool Videos
AI Tutorials and News
- How Q* works
- Lots of Claude's Magic is just Prompt Engineering - this is a major win for prompt engineers
- How to save money by using an LLM Router
- I'm going to test this model out for function calling this week
- Graph That RAG
- Mixture of Agents
- I agree, to people whose job is to measure intelligence these tests are bunk
- I'll just leave this here
- Visual LLM Reasoning
- This is right when mechanistic interpretability became a problem
- How Hopfield Networks Work
- Someone Do This For Our Standup And You Win Free Multiverse Membership Forever This Is A Serious Offer
- Sabine Just Noticed We Blew Past The Turing Test
- Did you validate your business idea? fr tho coders stop laughing at people who have an idea they've validated as if code is the only part of the work
Cyberpunk Dystopia
- I All The MKUltra They Had At The Store
- The FBI Is Seizing Botnets And Using Them
- Wake Up Babe New SSH Vuln Just Dropped
- Wake Up Again Babe, New SSH Vuln Just Dropped
- Also your BIOS is vulnerable
- The Tech CEOs Have Turned On UBI Look Who Is Surprised, It's No One
- There is only one infinite game
- Plants can see in color
- The Horn of Gheddon
- Finally the fat cats are getting what they deserve
- God Bless The United States Of America
- Myth, Busted
See you in the near-term future~
Liz Howard