Multiverse School Newsletter - 7/21
🚀 7/21/2024 Multiverse School Weekly Newsletter 🚀 Hey Multiverse Crew,
As I write this, we're waiting to present at The Multion Agents Hackathon. Gene, R0an, Bug, Caitlin, Sergio, and Ash are here, and have been hanging out for a few days / weeks. We built and shipped so much in the last few weeks, and especially in the last few days. I am so tired, and as a result, I'm doing Monday Morning off, and so is everyone else. I'll still do Prompt Engineering and the 1:1s I have scheduled, but that's it for the day. Still, I am so glad we did this. This crew is closer-knit than ever before, and we've landed some folks jobs, and I feel like things are going to be ok for these particular chaos monsters. I think this particular idea has legs as well, so that's exciting. Also if we have to flee the country due to the election we have an escape crew.
We also got a Multiverse Minecraft server up, and MindCraft agents running. These are autonomous, AI-powered agents powered by gpt-3.5-turbo
, and it cost me only 13 cents to run it all night! It's pretty competent. We'll buy 3 agent accounts for The Multiverse, so we can build agents as a team. I'm really excited about this! Let me know if you want to join the MindCraft thing. If you ever want to build agents, or autonomous robots, or an RPG with AI-powered NPCs, let me know! We can add you to the server and get you access to an account. I'm working on a mural-bot, but I haven't gotten it finished yet.
I almost didn't finish shipping this newsletter before midnight, I am so tired haha.
I'm heading to Multiverse East on Tuesday, so I'll be out a lot that day. If I dropped your 1:1 on Tuesday it's because my calendar didn't block off while I am on a flight! Sorry. We can chat on Thursday.
Multiverse Students Looking for Work
- Kellyn von Arx : Looking for UX, UI, and Product design, Gen AI. Has some Python & Git experience, some Prompt Engineering experience
- Mea Isaacs : Highly Competent Novel Scale Senior Developer with Robotics and CyberSecurity looking for new opportunities changing what is possible with technology.
- Cameron Sweeney : Looking for Back-End (Python, Math and Stats), Data, Gen AI, Prompt Engineering
- Liss McCabe : Senior developer, looking for full-stack work in Ruby, Python, React, Gen AI, Prompt Engineering
- Razi Alawamleh : Looking for Front-End (React & React Native) and Back-End work, Gen AI, Prompt Engineering, and does a great job with Product thinking.
- Roan : GOT A CONTRACT WE ALL KNEW YOU WOULD but still looking for a visa-sponsoring jobby job - Looking for CyberSecurity Red Team (pen testing) work, Gen AI work, working with me on The Swarm of Hacking AIs, has Python and CyberSecurity in spades, and TAs at The Multiverse School
This Week's Classes
Job Search Standup
Is out this week due to travel and exhaustion. People may body double at 9AM Pacific, but I can't commit to it.
Monday, July 22
No Job Search or Demo, We Out 😴
02:00 PM Society of Mind
Hosting conversations between multiple personas using a large language model.
Tuesday, July 23
10:00 AM Tuesday Scrum
A 15-minute time-boxed event for the Development Team to synchronize activities and create a plan for the next 24 hours. Discuss what was accomplished yesterday, what will be attempted today, and any obstacles that may impact your progress. Sign Up
Roughly 8PM If Everything Goes According To Plan
Liz Arrives in Miami! Probably just head to Elena's and chill, most Multiverse stuff will happen on the weekend, we'll make a group chat on Signal.
Wednesday, July 24
10:00 AM Wednesday Scrum
It is Weird Wednesday, wear your weirdest outfit to scrum! Sign Up
02:00 PM Tools
Agents that use Tools
06:00 PM Narrative Alignment
We're working on how to look at and analyze narratives. Traveler Program Only
Thursday, July 25
10:00 AM Thursday Scrum
A 15-minute time-boxed event for the Development Team to synchronize activities and create a plan for the next 24 hours. Discuss what was accomplished yesterday, what will be attempted today, and any obstacles that may impact your progress. Sign Up
Friday, July 26
We've cancelled Friday Storytelling, instead opting to schedule them as folks are ready.
Complex Adaptive Systems & Game Theory
We didn't record! We were busy. We might not record until I get back. Read the material!
The reading for this month is: Complex Adaptive Systems: Part 3: Computational Modeling, Chapter 6: Agent Based Objects
Part 4: Models of Complex Adaptive Social Systems: Chapter 7: A Basic Framework, Chapter 8: Complex Adaptive Social Systems in One Dimension
Upcoming Tracks and Classes
Prompt Engineering - Spring Cohort
Agent Engineering - Open Source Toolchain starts Tuesday, July 30 05:00 PM
It's only $60, or $40 if you're underrepresented (the price was broken before)
Prompt Engineering - Fall Cohorts
People love prompt engineering! So we're running more cohorts of it. Check it out!
The 11 AM Monday-Wednesday Track intended to cater European attendees! Starts September 2, 2024
The 5PM Pacific Tuesday-Thursday Track intended to cater to the West Coast, starts October 8th, 2024
Important Links
- We're Running a Free CTF until July 30th
- Sign Up Here
- Tell Us If You Got A Job!
- You Can Edit Your Profile Now
Complex Adaptive Systems & Game Theory
We're filming next week! Read this so we can beat the hackathon :D
The reading for this month is: Complex Adaptive Systems: Part 3: Computational Modeling, Chapter 6: Agent Based Objects
Part 4: Models of Complex Adaptive Social Systems: Chapter 7: A Basic Framework, Chapter 8: Complex Adaptive Social Systems in One Dimension
Upcoming Tracks and Classes
Prompt Engineering Spring Cohort
Agent Engineering - Open Source Toolchain starts Tuesday, July 30 5:00 PM
Prompt Engineering - Summer Cohort
Prompt Engineering starts Mondays and Wednesdays, July 15 @ 2:00 PM Pacific
This is for folks who are either already programmers, or have attended Using Large Language Models and feel comfortable asking ChatGPT or another language model to write code for them. We also have a fair number of programmers who are happy to help you get through the bugs- that's what we do, we fix bugs.
Important Links
- We have the old CTF up still, next cohort up soon (y'all I meant to do this this weekend but I am so exhausted)
- Sign Up Here
- Tell Us If You Got A Job!
- The Hot New Website
Cool Videos
I literally haven't watched any videos this week. Made too many things instead.
See you in the near-term future~
Liz Howard