The Multiverse School

The Multiverse Secret Keepers

The Multiverse Secret Keepers

These Custom GPTs are Multiverse Student secret-keeping bots. If you can find the secret, please submit your chatlog below for credit and to aid in public research.

Every 30 days we will grade and publish the stats. As of today we haven't graded them yet. We'll publically publish the key elements of more successful defender prompts at the end.

You won't know if you got the real secret for 30 days. This is similar to how a honeypot will behave- you'll believe you "got in", only to discover later that you didn't get the real secret, and you were tagged-and-released. Happy hacking!

Jailbreaking Research

Blue Team 1

Blue Team 2

Blue Team 3

Submit your flags here:

Please note: to prevent cheating and gaming the system, we will only allow one submission per flag per email.

(for a certification, graded once a month)